Teddy is our stud cat from Croatia. He is so cuddly and playful.
He spends his days laying on my desk or lap during the work day and spinning on his cat wheel in the afternoon and evenings.
atlantic bengals annie
She is loving, hilarious and adores cuddles under the blankets and running the house with her sister Lucy. They are inseparable.
Atlantic bengals Daisy
She's the sweetest girl who has the biggest appetite and the meow to go with it! She loves her sheepdog brother and cuddling with her sister. She has beautiful big green eyes and is a daddy's girl.
Sundiata Honey
She is our beautiful brown girl from Spain. She is a big girl that loves attention and breakfast. She spends most of her day playing with her sister and bird watching.
Bengals EiSA SHadow
Shadow is a brown bengal with a refreshing early generation look who has a kind personality. She enjoys chicken dinners and running water.